Thursday 28 February 2008


First of all i can not see the attraction smoking gives. I have kissed a smoker before and it was NOT nice. The taste and smell was disgusting and the fact that i inhaled and tasted the same cigarette he had, made me feel sick, i went home and brushed my teethe. And guess what? I never saw him again!

What I'm trying to say is, smoking, in my view, is not sexy or attractive.

Secondly, the smell sticks to your clothes and in the long term your teethe look horrible, your skin doesn't look nice and you get health problems, such as running out of breathe due to the amount of crap that is in your lungs. Its all about image, and not having nice skin, teethe or smelling horrible is not going to attract anyone!

I was pleased to hear when the none-smoking ban came out, because, i could go and have something to eat or drink in a pub without the smell or sign of smoke around me.

Also the picture should give you enough reason to stop or at least cut down on smoking. It does have an effect on your health.

1 comment:

Jeni f said...

I totally agree with your view on smoking!I cant stand the smell and was glad when the smoking ban came out. There are more than enough health warnings to inform people so its up to them if they want to smoke as much as its up to me not to! I still cant believe that people stand outside in the rain and cold to smoke, surely thats another reason to want to stop!