Monday 28 April 2008

Being Too Religious?

Is there a such thing as being too religious? Is it strange for people to love their religion that much, everything has to be up to the standard and not offend their religious beliefs??

I don't mind if people prayer, it's their choice. I don't mind if they decide to read, for example, the Bible in public or in front of me... As long as they don't force me into the religion.

I love to hear about the different religions and their beliefs, but because I'm interested in what they have to say, it doesn't mean I'm interested in becoming what they are. For example, Jehovah Witnesses... I find them, no offense to anybody, but when they knock on my door i find them persuasive, and that puts me off.

Its about equal opportunity, why should i be offended if someone wants to sit on the park bench and read their Bible, because i don't think its acceptable? Also why should Jehovah Witnesses persuade people to join their religion?

Another thing which i don't really like about Jehovah Witnesses is that they don't celebrate birthdays and Christmas and also blood transfusion. I really don't understand why its against their religion to accept this and the cost of it is a death of someone they love. Is their religion much more important than keeping their love ones alive because its against their religion?? To me, that is being too religious. I couldn't let someone i love die because my religion says so, especially if it was avoidable.
The link above is about a woman, who is a Jehovah Witness, had a blood transfusion after she refused it. I think that Hospitals, despite their religion, should go ahead and be able to do blood transfusion, because this saves lives and it is their job to do this, no matter what 'religion' says. Its basically murder i think, letting people die.

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