Wednesday 9 April 2008

Body Modification

To be honest i have nothing against tattoos or piercing. I have only got my ears done and i am happy with that.
In the lecture it was interesting about the different ways in which you can have piercing, such as under the skin and have metal plates on the forehead so you are able to screw 'horns' in the corner. I don't find these attractive but when i see people in the street with these big ear-ring which has a hole so you can see through the ear, then i don't stop and stare, i just accept it, because i see it as normal. Same when it comes to tattoos, i like to see wh
at people have got and i always ask why they choose that one, and it is nice to see but i wont do that to my body in case i regret it later on in life.

On the other hand, when it comes to piercing on the penis or vagina then i don't really agree to it, i wouldn't like to have it done to myself or partner, but i also don't see this as abnormal as it is becoming a popular thing.

But I'm not a fan if these tattoos and piercing get too much and start to look ugly. For example, the man in the picture, his ear-lope is that stretched he can fit a Starbucks carton and his arm through the hole. I find that disgusting!!

The history was interesting and what i didn't like was that the male was deprived and they had they penis's/balls taken away... That is abuse and against human rights surely??

The picture is from Google images.

Also i came across, and i would like you to look at the links, the reason why i never put the picture up was just in case some people may feel uncomfortable, both links are penis's and one is piercing only and the other is a single piercing and a tattoo. To be honest i do like this because it is pretty and it is very detailed, I'm sure this person went through a lot of pain and I'm sure he enjoys to show off his creation. Take a look!!! - Piercing Only - Single Piercing and Tattoo.

1 comment:

SM4eva said...

I was quite impressed with the second picture! I think it looks quite pretty and its quite discreet! The dragon must have been out of action for some time I imagine though!

Did you see the designs on the lecturer's arms - it would have been nice if he had showed us those also.

Yes, I think ppl do overdo it sometimes. But then again - what is normality??