Tuesday 6 May 2008

Dieting or Eating Disorder??

Everybody has this image in their mind that they have to be slim. No matter what size you are, whether you are a size 16 or 24, lads love curves! Some people are a size 8 and curvy but there are others that aren't. Being stick thin and 'having nothing to hold' as lads would say is ugly in my opinion. What girl or boy, think they look good when they look old due to the skins colour as there are no nutrition in the body and also having ribs stick that if you knock yourself slightly you'd break them? That's a worrying thing, it isn't healthy.

There is also people who find themselves un-sexy and unattractive because they are big. We all have our fat days, but as long as your healthy, fit and active then your fine. The time to worry about i think is when you cant do much activities due to weight. But its fun exercising so why do people tend to give up the gym because they feel they don't fit in?? Dieting is OK as long as you diet properly. I no i need to loose weight so I'm not dieting i just cut out the junk i have and i also treat my self to a chocolate each day, so at least I'm enjoying loosing weight. But dieting don't get you far, you need to exercise as well.

Dieting will make you sag, where as exercising will tone you up. What doesnt help peoples confidence is the media. Celebrities loosing weight. Ive thought to myself, how do they do it and how so quickly. The answer is most go under the knife. Because celebrities are dieting and being stick thin, people think they should too and its wrong. Why do people look in the magazines and think 'i want to be like them'? Be happy with how you look, and if ya not, there is seriously no need to go wild and diet so it damages your health or keep loosing wieght so theres nothing left of you. Its not healthy and it looks digusting. Its just torture to you body.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/conditions/mental_health/disorders_eating.shtml - BBC website on what is an eating disorder and the symptons of it.

http://breakingnews.iol.ie/entertainment/story.asp?j=254411336&p=z544yzx4z - A short story about Ashlee Simpson

http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article987878.ece - A story also about the 5 stone women who nearly died, and is proudly a mum.

http://msnbcmedia3.msn.com/i/msnbc/Components/Art/HEALTH/050531/Bcol_ANOREXIA_050531_2.gif - Eating Disorder statistic.

Look at the picture... Would you really feel confident and sexy if you looked like that? Men loves curves, theres really no need for people to change there figure because it looks good, because it doesnt!

For those who have an eating disorder due to depression or other issues such as family, then please seek some help.

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