Thursday 27 March 2008

Bad Behaviour - Shoplifting/Theft/Mugging

I believe that there is a different between shoplifting and theft. Shoplifting is taking goods from a shop, so its not a personal approach, no-one really gets hurt unless its serious. Theft on the other hand is taking goods that belongs to some-one, therefore this is traumatising enough, especially they're being broken into their own home or mugged in the street. If being mugged in the street then it can get violent.
Even though i believe that there is a difference between the two, i think they are still very bad.There is really no need to steal from shops, it doesn't matter if the person is stealing food to feed the family or stealing for their own pleasure (CDs, DVDs etc.) and it is out of order to mug someone.
The link above is interesting to read. Its an an article from The Sun and its about the UK being number 1 for burglary, even if crime has fallen since 1995. I think that its still too high.

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