Friday 28 March 2008

Bad Behaviour - Stalking

Personally if some-one has taken an interest in you and they don't know what to say or not sure if you would like them, to save embarrassment that person is likely to find out from some one else what you are into and stuff like that. I wont call that stalking, that isn't really a problem unless it get more personal.

Stalking in my opinion is a stranger or even someone you know, following you, texting/calling you constantly none stop, wanting to know where you are/ what you are doing and even asking friends what you up to, getting unwanted attention and invading privacy etc. I was stalked once by a girl and she used to find out who my friend were, told them lies about me, somehow she got my e-mail address and mobile number. My friends wouldn't give my address or mobile number out and when i did found out who did do that, well lets say we are no longer friends. This girl would not leave me alone. That was stalking.
Stalking isn't funny, it is serious. I was also stalked at night on my way home and i was almost mugged, the reason why he didn't get my belongings in because i wasn't going to give it him, and then he hit me, as i was still standing, he ran off into the car and went.
Stalking and wanting to know someone are totally different. - this link is advice on what to do if you are being stalked. This is from the Lancashire Police... They know that stalking is serious!!!
The picture was from Google images

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