Thursday 24 April 2008


Drugs? Some say Marijuana doesn't effect you. Some say that LSD is OK. But personally i wouldn't take any kind of drug! Short term effect is probably nothing, but like everything else, long term and frequent use does damage your health.

Ive seen what Marijuana does to the body and also stronger drugs like Heroin. It isn't clever and I'll be the one laughing AT you because of the mental state you're in!
I would never ever take any drug, no matter what people tell me. I don't know if it is because of my own personal experiences as my father and many of my friends were heavy users, so i know what they were like and majority of them have been in and out of prison loads of time because of the crimes they did to get their next fix.
That's also another bad thing about drugs... You get into crime! Steal and Sell is what drug users AKA Smack Heads do!

Below is a link with some drugs that i have heard of and some that i ha vent, i t was interesting to know the effects some drugs have on you, some were of course common sense and others i knew from experiences of friends.

Some of the nick names for drugs:

  • Dummy Dust

  • Elephant

  • Juice

  • Weed

  • Pot

  • Ganja

  • Skunt

  • Spliff

  • Joint

  • Grass

  • Acid

  • Trip

  • Hit

  • Cid

  • Coke

  • Charlie

  • Crack

  • Sniff

  • H

  • Smack

  • Junk

  • Dope

Many more of other drugs and nick names from this site:

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