Tuesday 22 April 2008

Bad Comedians

To be honest these comedians may come across sexist or racist, but isn’t that the reason why we like them? Is it funny because they are being naughty? Is it funny because it’s classed as wrong?
If we made comments like that, people would look at us and give us dirty looks because it’s wrong. But as these are comedians, it’s funny and nothing wrong with it, but some do feel offended.

Also some people get taken the ‘piss’ because of being stupid, but when the comedians do it, its
just as funny and people may not be offended. I think comedians, even the ones classed as ‘bad’ are in no way wrong for doing what they do, and I feel people shouldn’t take them personally. Comedians are there to make us laugh, why is it people take it too seriously if one is being racist or taking the ‘piss’ out of stupid people???

I feel that in today’s society, people have no sense of humour. And comedians today can only tell jokes, and not make a something true funny.

http://www.chubbylive.co.uk/ - web link here to enter Chubby Brown's live 'wet pussy tour'

1 comment:

Rachel Simmonds said...

I totally agree with you!!If you find a comedian offensive,don't go and see them!!simple as.If you want something fairly innocuous,I suggest watching something like 'My Family',just don't expect to laugh.