Sunday 4 May 2008


Committing suicide is a bad thing to do. Ive always wondered why people kill themselves.

Is it because they are truly unhappy? Is it because of their mental state of mind at the time? Is is because they have lost a love one? Is it because of the way they are being treated?

Maybe these are generally the answers to some people. For example Mark Speight, he committed suicide after the death of the women he loved. He was grieving and wanting her that he committed suicide. Mark was unhappy.

There are also many ways in which people use to commit suicide, such as hanging themselves, using a weapon such as a gun, taking a drug over dose, driving a car into a wall or river or simply cutting themselves.

Being harmful to yourself, no matter what reason for it is wrong. I feel sorry for the people that do, because some, such as children, just need someone to talk to and someone to listen to them. Suicide is a cowards way out for some people and in others it is simply the only way out. I think it is sad. It is sad that people don't feel safe in the world and they feel lonely. Surely there is another way of getting rid of the pain and hurt they go through.

Other reasons for suicide is probably due to religion. I don't know much about it, but you hear about murders due to religion. That is wrong! Religion should never get in the way of peoples rights to live a happy life. People shouldn't commit suicide due to religion either, all because they have done something wrong in the eyes of their 'God'. For example the 9/11 and 7/7 bombings. Were they due to religious reasons as well as theorists? People killed themselves as well as many others because they thought it was the right thing to do. - This is American and is about teenage suicides. It goes on to explain why some may do this and signs.

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