Saturday 3 May 2008

Lying with Integrity

After the lecture Lying with Integrity, it got me thinking about to what extent do i think that lying is still moral even though it was intended.

So these are some of the examples i thought was acceptable:

  • Father Christmas

  • Tooth Fairy

  • Easter Bunny

  • Halloween

These are children's' fantasies. Is lying to children acceptable?? No i don't think it is. But, these examples are part of childhood. The fact that Santa is bringing them present and also that the tooth fairy collects their baby teethe is exciting. And even though Halloween is scary, children love to dress up as their favourite scary monster. All these are just fantasies and lies. But although it is intended for the children to believe these, it doesn't harm them.

Little 'white lies' is not harmful, therefore i do not think it is bad. I think it is OK to tell a little lie.

What i do not think is acceptable is lying to save themselves from the consequences. For example, if a female cheats on their partner and lies about not doing it, is she really lying to save the pain and hurt of the partners feelings, or simple to save themselves from the wrong they did? How can she live with that guilt? How can she look in her partners eyes again knowing that she lied and cheated on them? She lied on purpose, maybe because of the shame, but either way i think that is just morally wrong.

People lie to their friends about the way they look. Maybe its just me but i can not lie to a friend, for example about their appearance, i wouldn't be a friend otherwise, i will tell them straight if what they were wearing suits them or not. I wouldn't lie to them, and honestly my friends like the fact i tell them the truth, even if its something they probably didn't want to hear. At least I'm honest and trustworthy.

Why do people lie with integrity? Is it due to guilt or humiliation of what they did was wrong? Is it because they can not face the truth? Is it because they don't want to hurt their loved ones feelings?

If it was me that was being lied to, i would be hurt and upset. Lying, in my opinion makes matters worse. Id want to know why they lied and why they felt they couldn't tell me the truth. Most importantly i could never trust that person again. I would always have doubts about them, whether they are telling me the truth. Lies destroys relationships and relationships works if there is trust. You should face the consequences of your actions, no matter how bad it is. Lying gets you no-where in life. Who would want to have a relationship with a liar that cant face the truth. That person is a coward. - This site states why people lie. These are just a few example. Yes many maybe harmful. But Serious lies such as cheating can hurt ones feelings.

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