Friday 2 May 2008

Binge Drinking

I can honestly and proudly say that i have never ever got drunk! People may not believe me, as i am at an age where people go out and drink. Many of my friends have 'binge drink' and even though they laugh about what happened and how much they were sick, i don't find it funny what so ever. I find it embarrassing and immature. OK, i have an odd drink now and again but i will not make a habit of it or abuse it so it gets to the point where i cannot control my actions.

That is one reason why i do not see the point in binge drinking, but another reason is simply my health. Its OK to have a drink and enjoy yourself but why drink to harm yourself? People may not realise what damage it can do to you, and some may think that drinking all weekend is OK and because they are not doing it EVERYDAY it is not harming their body. Well sorry it is.

Another reason is that, because you cannot control the actions of too much alcohol, it becomes an advantage to the opposite sex. Rapes occur and also violence, and people my find me harsh, but i don't feel sorry for the person it happens to as they could have avoided it from happening by controlling how much they drink. Fair enough, you hear of cases of those that get their drinks spiked and i feel sorry for those But its the same when people have liver failure because of binge drinking... They only have their selves to blame.

And finally drink driving. Driving under the influence of alcohol can cause death and accidents. Is it really worth taking the risk?
People must know their limits, for the sake of themselves and others... And still enjoy themself. - The BBC News report on how alcohol and it mentions that 2 days of binge drinking does effect the body. - About the death of Sophie Lancaster, a gap year student who died due to the effect of two teenage lads actions after binge drinking.

A Standards Drink Guide:

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