Thursday 8 May 2008

Assignment 3 - Essay - Lying with Integrity

Being Bad
Essay on ‘Lying with Integrity’

Essay Question: Would the world be a better place if everyone always told the truth?

What is a lie? Here are some quotes from Wikipedia on the tern ‘lie’ and ‘truth’. “A lie is a type of deception in the form of an untruthful statement with the intention to deceive…”
“To lie is to state something one believes is false with the intention that it be taken for the truth by someone else”
“The meaning of the word truth extends from honesty, good faith, and sincerity in general, to agreement with fact or reality in particular.” The quote goes on to state that the word truth has no single definition in which other philosophers agree on.
On the same page on Wikipedia, it goes on to state what type of lies there are.

Telling the truth is a good thing. People will like you more if you tell the truth, it means that you are trustworthy and a nice person. You will also get on better in life if you told the truth because you get a good reputation. But is it always good to tell the truth? People say it’s hard to handle the truth, for example if a love one is dying; it’s hard to accept it. But telling them lies would also make matters worse.

Is lying part of normality? Everyone lies; even telling little ‘white’ lies. These little ‘white’ lies can, for example protects ones feelings. But this is part of normality. People wouldn’t want to hurt their loved ones feelings so little lies are OK. But if you told them the truth, then it can lead to arguments, fights and break ups. Is it really worth telling the truth for? No, so the world wouldn’t be a better place if we all told the truth.
A quote from the website stated in the bibliography – “lying should be avoided except in extreme circumstances. Bok (1978), in a classic treatment, argues that lying should be kept to a minimum because its consequences are so often undesirable.”
What is meant be “extreme circumstance”? Is it that if one has committed a crime they should lie about it? Wouldn’t it be extreme if the crime committed was lied about? In this case the world would be a better place if the truth was told. If the truth was told then crimes would be reduced and the person involved in this crime would be sentenced and justice would be done, instead if the crime was lied about then nothing would have been done and the crime carries on going.

It’s true what Bok (1978) has to say about the consequences of lying is has described ‘undesirable’ because lying can cause hate and in extreme circumstances it can lead to violence.

If the world would be a better place if we all told the truth then why do children tell lies at an early age? Parents, without knowledge of doing so, lie to their children. These may not be big lies, for example, in this quote also stated form the site stated in the bibliography, “You should never say that to your father!" The child would pick up that this is telling their dad a lie and will continue to do more. Is doing this wrong? If a child is brought up to tell the truth and that lying is bad then why do parents do this? Is it because it is better to lie at times? Is it the right thing to do? The world would be a better place if the truth was told in extreme circumstances, for example crimes and cheating, but little lies like ‘don’t tell your sister about that’ is OK, it’s like a secret and there is no harm in anyone in doing this.

So the question is; would the world be a better place if we all told the truth? Well it is a mixture. It all depends on the circumstances of the situation. Telling lies and telling the truth can both be better for the world.

Bibliography (Published in Social Anarchism, No. 35, 2003-2004, pp. 27-39.) – Telling lies for a better world.

Assignment 2 - Creative Writing - Smoking

Creative Writing (short story) – Smoking.

Sitting on the wall of the fountains in Birmingham, I noticed a crowd of gorgeous young lads around 18, two years older than myself, whilst waiting for my friends I took my first puff of cigarette coolly. As I blew the smoke out, I playfully made circles and exhaled the smoke from my nose. I was enjoying showing off and making an impression. At that time I noticed one of the young lads looking at me and smiling. He was the good looking one out of the crowd; he was tall, about 6 feet, he had lovely short spiked blonde hair, and his eyes were sparkling baby blue and he had a wonderful smile. I couldn’t help but smile back; I was pleased he noticed me. Maybe he thought I was cool and sexy for smoking? I hoped so.

Eventually my friends turned up, I noticed my cigarette was half gone and I didn’t want it, so I offered it to my friend James. James refused and said that I should finish it off. But I felt sick and it caused a headache, but I wanted to be cool so I took one more drag and I coughed after. My friends were laughing. I threw the cigarette on the floor and put it out. My ‘friends’ called me chicken, said I couldn’t handle it, I denied it and defended myself saying that I could and that I had a whole one earlier! I was annoyed. At this point the good looking blonde lad came over and offered me some chewing gum. I accepted as I was still feeling a little sick. He introduced himself as David and asked if I wanted to chill with him and his mates. I looked at my friends, threw Kerry the packet of now 11 cigarettes and went off with David. David words were “you don’t need to impress me by smoking.... It isn’t cool!”
David knew that the cigarette was my very first whole one.

The reason why I chose the content for this topic is because in the lecture there were debates on how people thought about smoking being cool. Some people were agreeing that smoking is attractive and sexy. I used my own experience for this topic as I was once a smoker and I didn’t enjoy the taste or feeling it left and I only did it to look ‘cool’ and mainly because of peer pressure (hence James and Kerry). The young lad, David being introduced was to show that this isn’t the case and you don’t have to smoke if you really don’t want to. This creative piece contributes to the lecture debates because I used some of their views to tell the story, for example women playing as they smoked and looking sexy.

The reason for the character of David is because I was attracted to him and I wanted to be sexy and get his attention. Which in the story I did but David knew that it was my first whole cigarette because I couldn’t finish it off. David knew that chewing gum would help shift these feelings. The style of writing was to create an atmosphere step by step in the story so they will get an image of what’s going on.

The effect of David reaction by encouraging me away from my ‘friends’ was that he knew that I liked him and that smoking isn’t what I want. David’s words saying that I don’t need to impress him by smoking and that it isn’t cool was a lesson and good advice to not give into peer pressure.

I feel that I have covered the topic and how it has effects on people differently, where I can’t handle a whole cigarette without feeling sick and yet my friends could. Also peer pressure is the main thing in teenagers; it’s not about being sexy and attractive but mainly being cool. It’s about image for them.

In-class notes from slide-show and the debates in the lecture for smoking.

Questionnaire Report



What is your degree subject (both if joint)?
BA Hons Social Care and Social Policy

Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking?
I think it does when it comes to politics

If so, how? And if not, why not?
My reasons why is because of the debate of why these topics are classed as being bad and also the reasons behind why they were ‘bad’

Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level?
Being Bad has been at an appropriate level.

Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate?
Yes. It was all to do with human life and nature.

Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included?
Not that I can think of, but all of them where very interesting.

Do you think that the format for classes has worked well?
Yes, I didn’t have a problem with it.

What did you think of the module team?
The module team were very good and helpful. I learnt a lot from their teaching and knowledge.

Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions?
No, I liked how it was, there wasn’t too many and people were individually discussing during the lecture to the whole class, which I liked because I can hear their opinions.

Discussion and debate among the class as a whole?
We had a few of these which I enjoyed, but too many would distract the class as I noticed many people weren’t listening and they were talking amongst themselves, so I feel that there were a reasonable amount of debates among the class.

Information and talk from lecturers?
I haven’t found I needed any information and if I did I knew who to go to, but the talk from the lectures, individuals talked about it amongst themselves.

The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module?
Yes as this covered areas of the classes background of what they were studying.

Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea?
Yes for some, but others may not work out.

Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module?
Yes because I learnt a lot this way.

Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter?

Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2?
I haven’t really thought about it, but if i am able to then i will consider taking it up.

Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend?
Yes definitely

Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea?
I thought so yes, because it made me understand the topic more and i was able to but down my thoughts about the topic and it also showed I took an interest in the module.

What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)?
I really didn’t mind. What I did found difficult was the creative writing piece, it was something I wanted to do, but because I have never done this before it took me a while to get started.

What have you learned from the module?
I have learned how society has seen the world and how in time aspects change, as this is obvious, I never thought about it like this. There were also other things that I learnt and never knew of, for example the shock of masturbation ‘being bad’ I didn’t understand why until I went to the lecture, it was still a shock of how we have changed. Masturbation is a norm, but many years ago it was a crime.

Wednesday 7 May 2008


Why is spitting classed as being bad? Well spitting is dirty, when you see people do it in the street you pull a disgusting look and if you see a spit on the floor in the street you'd walk round it, avoiding it because you know that it is wrong and filthy.

Another thing is that spitting spread diseases. It is unhealthy and immoral! Where are peoples manners? Although you see loads of people do it and they know it is dirty, then why do they still do it? Do people actually know what diseases it causes? The disease is Tuberculosis (TB). The link below tells more about this.

As there are vaccinations for this, many people haven't had it. So it wont be fair that people become ill with the illness because of others dirty and un-respectable manners.

Tuesday 6 May 2008

Dieting or Eating Disorder??

Everybody has this image in their mind that they have to be slim. No matter what size you are, whether you are a size 16 or 24, lads love curves! Some people are a size 8 and curvy but there are others that aren't. Being stick thin and 'having nothing to hold' as lads would say is ugly in my opinion. What girl or boy, think they look good when they look old due to the skins colour as there are no nutrition in the body and also having ribs stick that if you knock yourself slightly you'd break them? That's a worrying thing, it isn't healthy.

There is also people who find themselves un-sexy and unattractive because they are big. We all have our fat days, but as long as your healthy, fit and active then your fine. The time to worry about i think is when you cant do much activities due to weight. But its fun exercising so why do people tend to give up the gym because they feel they don't fit in?? Dieting is OK as long as you diet properly. I no i need to loose weight so I'm not dieting i just cut out the junk i have and i also treat my self to a chocolate each day, so at least I'm enjoying loosing weight. But dieting don't get you far, you need to exercise as well.

Dieting will make you sag, where as exercising will tone you up. What doesnt help peoples confidence is the media. Celebrities loosing weight. Ive thought to myself, how do they do it and how so quickly. The answer is most go under the knife. Because celebrities are dieting and being stick thin, people think they should too and its wrong. Why do people look in the magazines and think 'i want to be like them'? Be happy with how you look, and if ya not, there is seriously no need to go wild and diet so it damages your health or keep loosing wieght so theres nothing left of you. Its not healthy and it looks digusting. Its just torture to you body. - BBC website on what is an eating disorder and the symptons of it. - A short story about Ashlee Simpson - A story also about the 5 stone women who nearly died, and is proudly a mum. - Eating Disorder statistic.

Look at the picture... Would you really feel confident and sexy if you looked like that? Men loves curves, theres really no need for people to change there figure because it looks good, because it doesnt!

For those who have an eating disorder due to depression or other issues such as family, then please seek some help.

Monday 5 May 2008


Why is abuse being bad?? Well it is because there are different ways in which you can abuse people. These include:

  • Sexual

  • Verbal

  • Physical

  • Mental

The two links below informs of what types of abuse there is, some are what i have include above. - This is an online community that focuses on current and past victims of different forms of abuse - This is Devons Council site that has a Social Care and Health section and this lists the different forms of abuse and the signs of them.

Why do people get negleted? Why does the person abuse or/and neglet the victim?

Some may say it is due to control. Some say that it is past events, such as a troubled childhood that influences of the person being an abuser. The link below gives some example and explains why for the reasons of these examples.

A good example of neglect and abuse, which has been in the papers and news is about the young women that had been trapped and rapped by her father, Josef Fritzl and fathered at least 6 children from her. This case isnt just rape, but its abuse and neglect.,1518,551246,00.html

Another form of abuse is neglet and which was in the papers was the case of kidnapped Shannon Matthews which was later discovered that her mother had planned it, shows that it is a serious matter. Shannon Matthews mother was arressted and sentanced. Its horrible to think that young children go through this and most cases are not known.

Sunday 4 May 2008


Committing suicide is a bad thing to do. Ive always wondered why people kill themselves.

Is it because they are truly unhappy? Is it because of their mental state of mind at the time? Is is because they have lost a love one? Is it because of the way they are being treated?

Maybe these are generally the answers to some people. For example Mark Speight, he committed suicide after the death of the women he loved. He was grieving and wanting her that he committed suicide. Mark was unhappy.

There are also many ways in which people use to commit suicide, such as hanging themselves, using a weapon such as a gun, taking a drug over dose, driving a car into a wall or river or simply cutting themselves.

Being harmful to yourself, no matter what reason for it is wrong. I feel sorry for the people that do, because some, such as children, just need someone to talk to and someone to listen to them. Suicide is a cowards way out for some people and in others it is simply the only way out. I think it is sad. It is sad that people don't feel safe in the world and they feel lonely. Surely there is another way of getting rid of the pain and hurt they go through.

Other reasons for suicide is probably due to religion. I don't know much about it, but you hear about murders due to religion. That is wrong! Religion should never get in the way of peoples rights to live a happy life. People shouldn't commit suicide due to religion either, all because they have done something wrong in the eyes of their 'God'. For example the 9/11 and 7/7 bombings. Were they due to religious reasons as well as theorists? People killed themselves as well as many others because they thought it was the right thing to do. - This is American and is about teenage suicides. It goes on to explain why some may do this and signs.

Saturday 3 May 2008

Lying with Integrity

After the lecture Lying with Integrity, it got me thinking about to what extent do i think that lying is still moral even though it was intended.

So these are some of the examples i thought was acceptable:

  • Father Christmas

  • Tooth Fairy

  • Easter Bunny

  • Halloween

These are children's' fantasies. Is lying to children acceptable?? No i don't think it is. But, these examples are part of childhood. The fact that Santa is bringing them present and also that the tooth fairy collects their baby teethe is exciting. And even though Halloween is scary, children love to dress up as their favourite scary monster. All these are just fantasies and lies. But although it is intended for the children to believe these, it doesn't harm them.

Little 'white lies' is not harmful, therefore i do not think it is bad. I think it is OK to tell a little lie.

What i do not think is acceptable is lying to save themselves from the consequences. For example, if a female cheats on their partner and lies about not doing it, is she really lying to save the pain and hurt of the partners feelings, or simple to save themselves from the wrong they did? How can she live with that guilt? How can she look in her partners eyes again knowing that she lied and cheated on them? She lied on purpose, maybe because of the shame, but either way i think that is just morally wrong.

People lie to their friends about the way they look. Maybe its just me but i can not lie to a friend, for example about their appearance, i wouldn't be a friend otherwise, i will tell them straight if what they were wearing suits them or not. I wouldn't lie to them, and honestly my friends like the fact i tell them the truth, even if its something they probably didn't want to hear. At least I'm honest and trustworthy.

Why do people lie with integrity? Is it due to guilt or humiliation of what they did was wrong? Is it because they can not face the truth? Is it because they don't want to hurt their loved ones feelings?

If it was me that was being lied to, i would be hurt and upset. Lying, in my opinion makes matters worse. Id want to know why they lied and why they felt they couldn't tell me the truth. Most importantly i could never trust that person again. I would always have doubts about them, whether they are telling me the truth. Lies destroys relationships and relationships works if there is trust. You should face the consequences of your actions, no matter how bad it is. Lying gets you no-where in life. Who would want to have a relationship with a liar that cant face the truth. That person is a coward. - This site states why people lie. These are just a few example. Yes many maybe harmful. But Serious lies such as cheating can hurt ones feelings.

Friday 2 May 2008

Binge Drinking

I can honestly and proudly say that i have never ever got drunk! People may not believe me, as i am at an age where people go out and drink. Many of my friends have 'binge drink' and even though they laugh about what happened and how much they were sick, i don't find it funny what so ever. I find it embarrassing and immature. OK, i have an odd drink now and again but i will not make a habit of it or abuse it so it gets to the point where i cannot control my actions.

That is one reason why i do not see the point in binge drinking, but another reason is simply my health. Its OK to have a drink and enjoy yourself but why drink to harm yourself? People may not realise what damage it can do to you, and some may think that drinking all weekend is OK and because they are not doing it EVERYDAY it is not harming their body. Well sorry it is.

Another reason is that, because you cannot control the actions of too much alcohol, it becomes an advantage to the opposite sex. Rapes occur and also violence, and people my find me harsh, but i don't feel sorry for the person it happens to as they could have avoided it from happening by controlling how much they drink. Fair enough, you hear of cases of those that get their drinks spiked and i feel sorry for those But its the same when people have liver failure because of binge drinking... They only have their selves to blame.

And finally drink driving. Driving under the influence of alcohol can cause death and accidents. Is it really worth taking the risk?
People must know their limits, for the sake of themselves and others... And still enjoy themself. - The BBC News report on how alcohol and it mentions that 2 days of binge drinking does effect the body. - About the death of Sophie Lancaster, a gap year student who died due to the effect of two teenage lads actions after binge drinking.

A Standards Drink Guide:

Thursday 1 May 2008

Bad Behaviour - Litter

Litter is very unattractive. It puts me off when walking down the streets and there is litter everywhere. It’s dirty!

Especially when it is dustbin day and if the black bags have been ripped, due to cats or foxes during the night, then there will be a mess, and it isn’t dust-man job to pick up the remaining. Their job is to pick up our household rubbish each week. But when they have gone, some owners of the remaining rubbish do not clean it up! I remember when I was younger, the bin men had already came out and been and walking to the bus-stop and this one road, and even today it is still like it, the rubbish would be all over the floor, all along the pavement, the whole road! The rubbish was disgraceful! It smelts! It looked a mess. And people will not clean it up. To me it looked like that it had already been ripped open before they took them out to the streets.
My mom always cleans up the mess. Its respect and it’s looking after the area.

Also, the council have help target littering, giving fines out and also putting extra bins in the street. Nearly every street has one now, and there is always one! So littering is no excuse. In the city centre there are numerous of bins and to be fair you don’t normally see much litter. The main place I find, are roads and streets and also parks. I hate it when you see litter in the river or pond. It is dangerous to nature. And it doesn’t do much for the community either. and it causes polution. I think littering makes the place look run down.
What’s wrong in cleaning up your own mess? What is wrong in putting the rubbish in the bin? I was brought up with these manners, so there is no excuse to not use them. Also I know is it the right thing to do.

My comment on Claire's blog

This is my comment on Claire's blog about Food

We are the top of the food chain. We kill animals to survive, and meat is one source of food. Some people become vegetarian because they don’t agree in killing animals and eating them. But meat gives us protein, which we need as nourishment. But I do not agree in killing household pets and eating them! That is unacceptable. Farmers breed animals so they can be killed and we can eat them. Pets are there as pets, and not food!

Tuesday 29 April 2008

My Comment on Nat's Blog

Here is my comment from Nat's blog on Stalking.

I totally agree on Princess Di.
Stalking is unacceptable full stop, and if I was being stalked by some one, then the police would do something about it, but if it is a celebrity being stalked, then that’s a different story. It’s "OK" in the presses eye to stalk a celebrity... But unfortunately, it killed someone very special.

Bad Behaviour - Vandalism

Vandalism or Art? Well some maybe art, those who actually "graffiti" on the walls of old building and honestly, if i think it looks good, i personally wont call it vandalism. Those who tag their "nick names" or slant someone is disgraceful and make the place look a mess.

Also stealing cars and setting it on fire and when it has burnt out, they go back and "graffiti" on it. What is the point of that? Damaging peoples properties and making the neighbourhood look a mess and run down.

If burning a stolen car isn't good enough then these thugs set fire to anything, trees in a park and even wheelie bins.

Also graffiting and vandalising a park is really low, because children can't go and play because there is nothing to play with or sit on or the park looks ugly and abused. Not somewhere you want to take you children to is it?

A BBC article on burnt out cars. This is totally unacceptable and shameful i think.

Monday 28 April 2008

Being Too Religious?

Is there a such thing as being too religious? Is it strange for people to love their religion that much, everything has to be up to the standard and not offend their religious beliefs??

I don't mind if people prayer, it's their choice. I don't mind if they decide to read, for example, the Bible in public or in front of me... As long as they don't force me into the religion.

I love to hear about the different religions and their beliefs, but because I'm interested in what they have to say, it doesn't mean I'm interested in becoming what they are. For example, Jehovah Witnesses... I find them, no offense to anybody, but when they knock on my door i find them persuasive, and that puts me off.

Its about equal opportunity, why should i be offended if someone wants to sit on the park bench and read their Bible, because i don't think its acceptable? Also why should Jehovah Witnesses persuade people to join their religion?

Another thing which i don't really like about Jehovah Witnesses is that they don't celebrate birthdays and Christmas and also blood transfusion. I really don't understand why its against their religion to accept this and the cost of it is a death of someone they love. Is their religion much more important than keeping their love ones alive because its against their religion?? To me, that is being too religious. I couldn't let someone i love die because my religion says so, especially if it was avoidable.
The link above is about a woman, who is a Jehovah Witness, had a blood transfusion after she refused it. I think that Hospitals, despite their religion, should go ahead and be able to do blood transfusion, because this saves lives and it is their job to do this, no matter what 'religion' says. Its basically murder i think, letting people die.

Sunday 27 April 2008

Bad Behaviour - Swearing/Verbal Abuse

Where 'swearing' is concerned, these are a few words i ask myself:

  • Is some swearing words acceptable??

  • What is the reason for these words?

  • Why do people find it offensive?

  • Who is to blame?

  • Why, when swearing, it results to verbal abuse or even violence?

Mainly when i swear it's because i have made a mistake. I try not to swear in public because these words are not nice heard, they are disgusting. Especially in today's society, it isn't just a single word; people, including young children use these vile words to insult others and /or there parents. But who is to blame? Parents? Television? Public? To some extent i think parents are to blame, especially those who swear in front of their children, but children do pick up words from school, so i think public are to blame too.

Why is that people also get offended by the single or double fingers being showed? I think it is immature that people do this, its just rude and basically it shows that they have no manners.

Yet when people do swear, others find it really funny. Why is this? Is it only funny because of how the person said it? Is it only funny and less offensive when it's used in a joke or in a comedy? We get mixed reactions all the time. Its wrong and offensive when we hear two adults swearing in the street, yet if a comedian said it, then it is funny.

The link below tells how swearing is related to the brain. It's very interesting and it is also something that i never knew about.

Thursday 24 April 2008


Drugs? Some say Marijuana doesn't effect you. Some say that LSD is OK. But personally i wouldn't take any kind of drug! Short term effect is probably nothing, but like everything else, long term and frequent use does damage your health.

Ive seen what Marijuana does to the body and also stronger drugs like Heroin. It isn't clever and I'll be the one laughing AT you because of the mental state you're in!
I would never ever take any drug, no matter what people tell me. I don't know if it is because of my own personal experiences as my father and many of my friends were heavy users, so i know what they were like and majority of them have been in and out of prison loads of time because of the crimes they did to get their next fix.
That's also another bad thing about drugs... You get into crime! Steal and Sell is what drug users AKA Smack Heads do!

Below is a link with some drugs that i have heard of and some that i ha vent, i t was interesting to know the effects some drugs have on you, some were of course common sense and others i knew from experiences of friends.

Some of the nick names for drugs:

  • Dummy Dust

  • Elephant

  • Juice

  • Weed

  • Pot

  • Ganja

  • Skunt

  • Spliff

  • Joint

  • Grass

  • Acid

  • Trip

  • Hit

  • Cid

  • Coke

  • Charlie

  • Crack

  • Sniff

  • H

  • Smack

  • Junk

  • Dope

Many more of other drugs and nick names from this site:

Tuesday 22 April 2008

Bad Comedians

To be honest these comedians may come across sexist or racist, but isn’t that the reason why we like them? Is it funny because they are being naughty? Is it funny because it’s classed as wrong?
If we made comments like that, people would look at us and give us dirty looks because it’s wrong. But as these are comedians, it’s funny and nothing wrong with it, but some do feel offended.

Also some people get taken the ‘piss’ because of being stupid, but when the comedians do it, its
just as funny and people may not be offended. I think comedians, even the ones classed as ‘bad’ are in no way wrong for doing what they do, and I feel people shouldn’t take them personally. Comedians are there to make us laugh, why is it people take it too seriously if one is being racist or taking the ‘piss’ out of stupid people???

I feel that in today’s society, people have no sense of humour. And comedians today can only tell jokes, and not make a something true funny. - web link here to enter Chubby Brown's live 'wet pussy tour'

Friday 18 April 2008

My comment on Debbies Blog

My reply to Debbie's Blog: Graffiti & Reckless Vandalism

"I agree, graffiti does make the neighbourhood look bad and a mess, it gives a bad reputation for the area. But i also agree that some do look good. Its what they call 'tagging' that i find look messy and unattractive, but the actual pictures, they are an art and i must admit it take talent to do that as i could not do that myself.
Fair enough walls is one thing bad, but properties such as postboxes, telephones boxes and electrical grey boxes is just not acceptable.
Maybe if those who have the talent to do art like that was put on a course and stop them from doing it in the streets, would this stop them?? I think the crime would fall because those who can actually do the art is getting something positive from it."

Thursday 17 April 2008

Bandits and Outlaws

In the famous story Robin Hood, he robbed from the rich and gave to the poor. Is this acceptable?? Honestly, as i was growing up i thought that Robin Hood was a good person and he did the right thing, even though i knew it was wrong. Is it because the unfortunate gained? Yes i do think so.

I suppose, for example if i use a loan shark, they will give money to poor people, those who cannot afford a loan and are able to pay back bit by bit, but the loan shark is robbing from them and there is nothing they can do about it. I think that this is wrong and unacceptable.

Poor people, i think, will do anything to have a little bit of money, so getting involved with loan sharks is the only option, also Robin Hood in these peoples eyes, are doing good and is a genuinely nice person.

Heros or Villians??

Loan sharks are villians, they dont care about anyone but themselves and if they are gaining from these poor people, but on the other hand, the story of Robin Hood, would be seen as a hero. Is this because he doesnt ask for anything in return? Maybe so.

Or is because a loan shark is classed as a law breaker and criminals?? Robin Hood wasnt. - what loan sharks are and help about them. - story of a loan shark.

Wednesday 9 April 2008

Body Modification

To be honest i have nothing against tattoos or piercing. I have only got my ears done and i am happy with that.
In the lecture it was interesting about the different ways in which you can have piercing, such as under the skin and have metal plates on the forehead so you are able to screw 'horns' in the corner. I don't find these attractive but when i see people in the street with these big ear-ring which has a hole so you can see through the ear, then i don't stop and stare, i just accept it, because i see it as normal. Same when it comes to tattoos, i like to see wh
at people have got and i always ask why they choose that one, and it is nice to see but i wont do that to my body in case i regret it later on in life.

On the other hand, when it comes to piercing on the penis or vagina then i don't really agree to it, i wouldn't like to have it done to myself or partner, but i also don't see this as abnormal as it is becoming a popular thing.

But I'm not a fan if these tattoos and piercing get too much and start to look ugly. For example, the man in the picture, his ear-lope is that stretched he can fit a Starbucks carton and his arm through the hole. I find that disgusting!!

The history was interesting and what i didn't like was that the male was deprived and they had they penis's/balls taken away... That is abuse and against human rights surely??

The picture is from Google images.

Also i came across, and i would like you to look at the links, the reason why i never put the picture up was just in case some people may feel uncomfortable, both links are penis's and one is piercing only and the other is a single piercing and a tattoo. To be honest i do like this because it is pretty and it is very detailed, I'm sure this person went through a lot of pain and I'm sure he enjoys to show off his creation. Take a look!!! - Piercing Only - Single Piercing and Tattoo.

Saturday 29 March 2008


Personally i don't think that masturbation is a 'being bad' behaviour. I don't see any wrong in it, it isn't effecting anyone and importantly there is no way that you can get pregnant or catch any STDs/STIs.

People may find that masturbation is embarrassing. I know loads of male friends that have admitted to masturbating and they are not embarrassed at all. In a way i get the impression that it is 'manly' to do it.

During the lecture we spoke about different phrases in which masturbation is sometimes called, for example, whilst looking on the Internet i can across some for females and also the history of it. It was interesting to learn that in 1870 masturbation was thought to be the cause of germs such as syphilis and gonorrhea. Some of these phrases include flick the bean, petting the kitty and unbuttoning the fur coat.

A little poem here:

Thy likeness begets such strange self flattery,

That touching myself, all seems done to thee.

Myself I embrace, and mine own hands I kiss,

And amorously thank myself for this.

- Sappho 600 BC

For male masturbation it is described that the male gender find there genitals a source of amusement and amazement.

This site also gives terms in which masturbation is also called for men, these include spanking and beating the meat.

Also a little poem:

Under the spreading chestnut tree

The village blacksmith sat

Amusing himself

By abusing himself

And coming off in his hat

- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Also on the BBC website, one part talks about masturbation, what it is? Is it wrong? And is it bad for your health? The answer is no and it can actually relieve stress and it also releases happy hormones called endorphins.

So people you can enjoy and be happy!

My Comment on Kimberley's Blog

Below is the comment i made from Kimberley's Blog on Masturbation . Kimberley made an interesting point on how age is stereotyped when it comes to masturbation.

"I totally agree that masturbation is maybe stereotyped and its more acceptable for the more younger generation. But in Mikes comment that at his age he is still masturbating and enjoying it shows that masturbation isn't for a specific 'age'. I don't see any harm in masturbating if it's what you want to do, i don't see why others should feel disgusted if you get to an age where they see it's wrong."

Friday 28 March 2008

Bad Behaviour - Stalking

Personally if some-one has taken an interest in you and they don't know what to say or not sure if you would like them, to save embarrassment that person is likely to find out from some one else what you are into and stuff like that. I wont call that stalking, that isn't really a problem unless it get more personal.

Stalking in my opinion is a stranger or even someone you know, following you, texting/calling you constantly none stop, wanting to know where you are/ what you are doing and even asking friends what you up to, getting unwanted attention and invading privacy etc. I was stalked once by a girl and she used to find out who my friend were, told them lies about me, somehow she got my e-mail address and mobile number. My friends wouldn't give my address or mobile number out and when i did found out who did do that, well lets say we are no longer friends. This girl would not leave me alone. That was stalking.
Stalking isn't funny, it is serious. I was also stalked at night on my way home and i was almost mugged, the reason why he didn't get my belongings in because i wasn't going to give it him, and then he hit me, as i was still standing, he ran off into the car and went.
Stalking and wanting to know someone are totally different. - this link is advice on what to do if you are being stalked. This is from the Lancashire Police... They know that stalking is serious!!!
The picture was from Google images

Thursday 27 March 2008

Bad Behaviour - Shoplifting/Theft/Mugging

I believe that there is a different between shoplifting and theft. Shoplifting is taking goods from a shop, so its not a personal approach, no-one really gets hurt unless its serious. Theft on the other hand is taking goods that belongs to some-one, therefore this is traumatising enough, especially they're being broken into their own home or mugged in the street. If being mugged in the street then it can get violent.
Even though i believe that there is a difference between the two, i think they are still very bad.There is really no need to steal from shops, it doesn't matter if the person is stealing food to feed the family or stealing for their own pleasure (CDs, DVDs etc.) and it is out of order to mug someone.
The link above is interesting to read. Its an an article from The Sun and its about the UK being number 1 for burglary, even if crime has fallen since 1995. I think that its still too high.

Tuesday 18 March 2008


I think depending on a persons' personal view of infidelity, i still feel that flirting, whilst in a relationship, is bad. Its a sign that you shouldn't trust the person and that they may get tempted to cheat with the person they're flirting with.Is it the happening or the doing? Well you shouldn't worry about the 'happening' if you have trust in your partner, its the 'doing' that does more damage to the relationship, such as the trust and loyalty.Even if the person was drunk, they should know what their limits are and think about the consiquences of their actions before drinking too much and going over their limit. - this BBC webpage is about online affairs 'are infidelity' and how it can damage health. I agree that it is infidelity, why is there a need if you're in a relationship?

Thursday 13 March 2008

Being Bad Cinema "Kids" (1995)

After watching the film and also during it, i was shocked at some of the things, such as for example how the kids all ganged up on that black man and beat him. I personally think that there was generally no reason to have gone that far.

I'm not sure what to think to whether it is a wake-up call to parents. I don't think it is because kids do things behind their backs, some kids just wont listen to their parents and also some parents tend to think that 'its not their children' that's doing wrong. But in today's society, parents know whats going on, hence the reason why some don't accept that it might be their children.

It is reality. Under-age sex is happening a lot and STDs and STIs are spreading around because kids don't really take into account of the consequences of their actions. At the end of the day, they are just KIDS!

Also it is easy to get drugs today if you know where to go and it really isn't that expensive depending on what you get and how much it is, as most drug dealers go by the weight of the drug. - The BBC link here about under-age sex. A Police Chief Constable defends that young men aged up to 20 who sleeps with a young girl between 13 and 15 shouldn't be classed as paedophiles. Do you agree? - Another link from the BBC about under-age sex. shockingly it reports that England is the 2nd 'most young people having sex' (picture also from this link)

This report goes to show that parents do know that this is going on because its in the news a lot.

My comment on Matthew Wards' "Shoplifting" Blog

Below is my comment from Matthew Wards Blog on Shoplifting.

"I agree that shoplifting is worse than mugging an old lady, personally i think that this is more serious than stealing from a shop because its a more personal approach that would harm the old lady.I totally agree that if prices of items were cheaper, then there be a decrease in crime. But maybe it's the thought of not getting caught that makes these people shoplift all the more??? Knowing that they can get away with it??"

Thursday 28 February 2008


First of all i can not see the attraction smoking gives. I have kissed a smoker before and it was NOT nice. The taste and smell was disgusting and the fact that i inhaled and tasted the same cigarette he had, made me feel sick, i went home and brushed my teethe. And guess what? I never saw him again!

What I'm trying to say is, smoking, in my view, is not sexy or attractive.

Secondly, the smell sticks to your clothes and in the long term your teethe look horrible, your skin doesn't look nice and you get health problems, such as running out of breathe due to the amount of crap that is in your lungs. Its all about image, and not having nice skin, teethe or smelling horrible is not going to attract anyone!

I was pleased to hear when the none-smoking ban came out, because, i could go and have something to eat or drink in a pub without the smell or sign of smoke around me.

Also the picture should give you enough reason to stop or at least cut down on smoking. It does have an effect on your health.

Thursday 21 February 2008

Bad places to visit

I think we should go to a Live Event if a "Nasty Comedian" is available. This will give us a Live view on how we may feel or react to these "comedians"
Or maybe a day out to a Church... To see and get the atmosphere on how and why people are "too religious". This would give us Their View to why they are, what we seem, "too religious"